2022年8月31日 星期三


BreakMaster Privacy Policy

Updated: 2022.09 Ver. 1.0

BreakMaster values your privacy. This Privacy Policy is for you to understand how we handle personal data when you use the BreakMaster application (referred to as "APP"). In order to allow you to use the services and information of this product with peace of mind, we explain to you the privacy protection policy of this product to protect your rights and interests. Please read the following carefully:

Privacy policy is including how this APP handles the personal data collected when you use the services of this application. The Privacy Policy does not apply to products other than this APP.

We will collect the following information.
"Location": The Bluetooth connection between the APP and the BreakMaster device.
"Storage": The APP accesses the drawn by the user.
"Drawing data": The data that the user can input includes golf course name, number of holes, par, maps of fairway and green, fairway information, slope value, slope line.

The information collected by this APP is only for the APP using.

"Location": The device will transmit green slope information and device power to the mobile phone via Bluetooth, allowing users to draw and use it.
"Storage": The drawing content input by the user will be accessed and modified in the APP.
"Drawing data": Reference data for users when playing golf.

The information collected by this APP is only stored on your mobile device.
If you delete this app from your phone, all information collected on this app will be removed.

This APP does not have any related to personal account information, so this APP will not disclose your personal information to third parties or use it for purposes.

We may update Our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify You of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.
We will let You know via website on Our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the "Last updated" date at the top of this Privacy Policy.

This clause was last updated on: September 2022.
Copyright © 2022. All rights reserved. Microtips Technology Inc.

2020年5月18日 星期一


更新時間:2020.01 Ver. 1.0

感謝您(以下或稱會員)選擇使用「Omago」APP。微端科技股份有限公司(以下簡稱「本公司」)依據本服務條款(以下簡稱本條款),提供「Omago」(以下簡稱「本APP」)服務(以下簡稱本服務)。為了保障您的權益,請您務必詳讀本條款。當您註冊會員或以會員帳號實際使用本 APP 時,即表示您已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受本條款。如果您經過考慮後不同意本條款的內容,請您不要進行註冊程序並停止使用本 APP。
若您未滿二十歲,或為法令規定未具備完全行為能力之人,請您由家長(或監護人)陪同閱讀本條款,在您的家長(或監護人)詳讀、瞭解並同意後,您才能使用或繼續使用本 APP。當您使用或繼續使用本 APP 時,即推定您的家長(或監護人)已詳讀、瞭解並同意接受本條款的所有內容及其後修改變更。
1. 本 APP 為本公司所有及管理之 APP 。
2. 您瞭解本 APP 之功能,並在註冊成為會員時,同意本 APP 傳送服務性及(或)商業性資料供您參考。
3. 本 APP 將依業務推展及消費者需求,視情形增加、修改或終止相關服務。
1. 為了提供確實有效的服務,您必須保證在加入成為本APP會員時所留存的所有資料均為完整、正確、與當時情況相符的資料,如果事後有變更,為了確保您的權利,您應該即時修改於本APP留存之會員資料。若您提供任何錯誤或不實的資料,除您必須自行負擔因此造成的損失外,本 APP 並有權暫停或終止您的帳號,並拒絕您繼續使用本 APP 。
2. 您所填寫個人資料如有重複、冒用他人名義、違反公序良俗、或有侵害他人姓名權、公司名稱、商標或其他智慧財產權之虞、或有造成他人誤解之虞、或涉有其他違反法令之嫌、或破壞本 APP 服務宗旨者,本公司得拒絕您的註冊、或要求您更正為正確、合法、妥適之資料,或取消您的會員資格及相關權利,並且,您應自負一切民事與刑事上之責任。
3. 對於您所留存的個人資料,其目的在於提高會員資料真實性,提供更佳的服務與優惠。本公司(包括委託或合作之第三人)蒐集您的個人資料之特定目的包括(但不限於):本公司依法定義務所進行個人資料之蒐集、處理及利用,契約、類似契約或其他法律關係事務,消費者、客戶管理與服務,行銷,資訊服務,網路購物及其他電子商務服務,其他公務機關對本公司目的事業之監督管理,其他經營合於本公司營業登記項目或組織章程所訂之業務等。本 APP 遵守中華民國個人資料保護法令相關規定之規範,除了可能涉及違法、侵權、或違反本條款、或為提供本服務而提供給服務之配合廠商、或經本人同意以外,這些資料將只提供本公司於本條款規定範圍內為運用,絕不會任意透露、出售、交換、或出租給其他第三人、單位及團體;如您不同意前揭個人資料之利用,將無法使用本APP或享有本公司或本公司與第三人合作提供之相關權益及優惠。在您同意上述資料蒐集後,仍可向本公司申請取消,惟您可能無法使用本APP一部或全部之功能,且將無法享有本公司或本公司與第三人合作提供之相關權益及優惠。
4. 您就您的個人資料,得透過odm@microtips.com.tw向本公司要求查詢、閱覽、製給複製本,或請求補充、更正、刪除或停止蒐集、處理及利用,本公司依法得酌收費用。惟倘您要求刪除或停止利用者,可能導致您無法使用本APP之全部或一部,本公司將不負於未來繼續提供服務及任何賠償之責任。
5. 您提供之個人資料可能於本公司(包括委託或合作之第三人)及本公司關係企業之存續期間及營業區域內被處理、利用或傳輸。
1. 會員註冊帳號僅限會員本人使用,會員僅得依本條款使用本 APP ,不得非法重製、散布、販賣、公開傳輸或以其他方式提供給其他第三人使用。
2. 會員有義務妥善保管註冊帳號、密碼及其他相關資訊,並為此組註冊帳號登入本 APP後所進行之一切活動、行為負責,包括且不限於衍生之相關費用。
3. 若會員發現註冊帳號內個人資料遭他人非法使用或有任何異常使用之情形時,應立即通知本公司,並請您依循適當法律途徑保護個人權益;必要時,本公司會請會員提供相關個人資料,並有權管理該爭議帳戶之使用權限。
4. 如因會員保管疏忽或同意由第三人使用其帳號,導致會員帳號、密碼遭他人非法使用,造成本公司或其他會員權益損害時,您須自行負責相關法律及損害賠償責任。
1. 本 APP 內提供的任何資訊,包括但不限於本服務資訊內容、程式編碼、文字、美術作品、圖標、圖像及商標,均係本公司或其他有權第三人所有,受到法律所保護。在未得到本公司發出的事先書面許可前,您不得以任何方式就任何目的將本 APP 的內容或其任何部份進行重製、拷貝、出售、交易、轉售其內容或作任何商業目的之使用,且不得移除或變更本 APP及(或)本服務、內容中所包含的任何著作權權利電子管理資訊、防盜拷措施或其它權利(包括且不限於專利權、商標權)或軟體的標記。您亦不得使用任何自動工具或方式(包括但不限於魁儡程式、惡意軟體、爬蟲等方式)收集或破壞本APP訊息、資料以及干擾、侵犯本APP的正常運作。
2. 您可將本 APP 之內容及提供之資訊作非商業性、家居及個人使用,但必須維持所有權利完整無損。
3. 本公司僅授權您使用本 APP ,而並非將本 APP 及本 APP 所提供的服務、內容、文字檔及任何編碼的智慧財產權移轉給您。為免存疑,一切本公司沒有在本條款中明確授予您的權利,均由本公司保留。
4. 未經本公司許可,您不可以宣稱本公司及(或)「Omago」是您的合作夥伴,或利用本APP的公開或未公開的資訊或程式編碼、文字、美術作品、圖標、圖像及商標進行任何商業行為。
1. 本公司將定期進行系統更新,並維護本 APP 所蒐集之會員資訊,防止第三人非法入侵、取得、竄改、毀損交易記錄或其個人資料。
2. 倘發生會員個人資料外洩之情事,本公司得視具體情況,凍結會員帳戶之使用。
1. 在準備、蒐集本 APP 所提供資料的過程中,本公司已經盡最大可能採取謹慎的態度,但還是提醒您,本公司不會因本服務、任何資料的錯誤、遲延或遺漏,或因您信賴本 APP 而提供資料所造成的損害承擔法律責任。
2. 在任何情況下,本公司不對下列損失負擔損害賠償責任:包括因使用或無法使用本 APP 而引起的損失,或其它直接、間接、意外、特別或衍生性的損失(包括但不限於純粹經濟上的損害、生意中斷、生意資訊的遺失、和任何其它金錢上的損失)。如依法院終局判決確定本公司須負擔賠償責任,本公司對您所負之全部賠償責任,以您因本服務中支付予本公司之服務費用或新台幣壹仟元整(以金額較低者為準)為上限。
因應社會環境及法令規定的變遷與科技的進步,本 APP 為保護會員隱私,有權配合當時法令、環境、本公司業務需求等因素隨時修改本條款並儘速公告,不另個別通知會員。所有因您使用本 APP 而與本公司所生的權利義務關係,均以當時最後修訂的會員條款內容為依據。如果您在本條款修改公告後仍繼續使用本 APP ,視為您同意修改後的條款。
本 APP 之擁有者為微端科技股份有限公司

本公司將保留得以隨時增刪修改本條款之權利,任何增刪修飾後之內容,應以本公司的公告時間為即時生效日,如您繼續使用本APP,視同您同意本條款之全部修改。本條款最近一次更新時間為:西元 2020 年 1 月 1 日。
Copyright © 2019. All rights reserved. Microtips Technology Inc.

2019年12月30日 星期一


Updated: 2020.01 Ver. 1.0

Thank you (hereinafter referred to as “Member”) for choosing to use "Omago" APP. Microtips Technology Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) provides “Omago” (hereinafter referred to as the “APP”) service (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) in accordance with these Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”).  In order to protect your rights, please read these terms carefully. 
When you register for a member or use this APP with a member account, it means that you have read, understood and agreed to accept these terms.  If you do not agree with the contents of these terms after consideration, please do not go through the registration process and stop using this APP.
If you are under the age of 20 or a person who is not fully capable under the law, please be accompanied by a parent (or guardian) to read these terms.  After your parent (or guardian) read, understand and agree, you may continue to use this APP.  When you use or continue to use this APP, it is presumed that your parents (or guardians) have read, understood and agreed to accept all the contents of this clause and its subsequent amendments.

I. Information service content
1. This APP is owned and managed by the Company.
2. You understand the functions of this APP, and when registering as a member.  You agree that this APP will transmit service and / or commercial information for your reference.
3. This APP will add, modify or terminate related services according to business development and consumer needs.

II. Personal data security
1. In order to provide a truly effective service, you must ensure that all information retained when you become a member of this APP is complete, correct, and consistent with the situation at the time.  If there are changes afterwards, in order to ensure your rights, you should Immediately modify the membership information retained in this APP.  If you provide any wrong or inaccurate information, this APP has the right to suspend or terminate your account, and refuse you to continue using this APP, except that you must bear the losses caused by yourself.
2. If the personal data you fill in is duplicated, impersonates others, violates public order and good customs, or may infringe on the rights of others ’names, company names, trademarks or other intellectual property rights, or may cause misunderstanding, or involve other violations If the law is suspected or undermines the purpose of this APP service, the company may refuse your registration, or ask you to correct the correct, legal, and appropriate information, or cancel your membership and related rights, and you shall be responsible for all Civil and criminal liability.
3. The purpose of your personal data is to improve the authenticity of your member data and provide better services and benefits.  Specific purposes for which our company (including a third party commissioned or cooperating) collects your personal data include (but are not limited to): the collection, processing and use of personal data by our company in accordance with legal obligations, contracts, similar contracts or other laws Relationship affairs, consumer and customer management and services, marketing, information services, online shopping and other e-commerce services, supervision and management of the company's purpose and business by other public agencies, and other operations in accordance with the company's business registration items or the articles of association Business, etc.  This APP complies with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act of the Republic of China. Except that it may involve violations of laws, infringements, or violations of these terms, or the partner companies that provide services to the service, or with my consent, these data will only be provided For the application within the scope of this clause, the company will never arbitrarily disclose, sell, exchange, or rent to other third parties, units and groups; if you do not agree to the use of the personal data disclosed before, you will not be able to use this APP or enjoy the relevant rights and benefits provided by the company or the company in cooperation with a third party.  After you agree to the collection of the above information, you can still apply to the company for cancellation, but you may not be able to use one or all of the functions of the APP, and you will not be able to enjoy the relevant rights and benefits provided by the company or the company in cooperation with a third party .
4. You may ask our company for inquiries, read, make copies, or request to supplement, correct, delete or stop the collection, processing and utilization of your personal data through odm@microtips.com.tw. Fees are applicable. However, if you request to delete or stop the use, you may not be able to use all or part of this APP, and the company will not be liable for continuing to provide services and any compensation in the future.
5. The personal data you provide may be processed, used or transmitted during the existence of the company (including a third party entrusted or cooperating with) and the affiliated companies of the company and in the business area.

III. Account custody obligations
1. Member registration account is only used by members themselves.  Members can only use this APP in accordance with these terms. They cannot illegally reproduce, distribute, sell, publicly transmit or otherwise provide it to other third parties for use.
2. Members are obliged to properly keep the registered account, password and other related information, and are responsible for all activities and behaviors performed by this group of registered accounts after logging in to this APP, including but not limited to related costs.
3. If the member finds that the personal data in the registered account has been illegally used by others or there is any abnormal use, he should immediately notify the company and ask to protect personal rights in accordance with appropriate legal channels; when necessary, the company will ask the member to provide relevant information Personal data and has the right to manage the use of the disputed account.
4. If the member's account is neglected or a third party uses its account, which leads to the illegal use of the member account and password by others, causing damage to the rights of the company or other members, you are responsible for the relevant laws and damages.

IV. Positioning services
The company and its partners may collect, use, transmit, process, store, and share the exact location data of the device you use for the service, in order to provide your positioning related services.  The location information of the aforementioned terminal device may include the identification code and name, type and / or real-time geographic location of the terminal device.  The company will share this location data in an anonymous way that does not identify you personally, and is used by the company and its partners to provide and enhance mobile location services.  When you choose to use an app vendor ’s mobile location service, our company may share geographic location data with that vendor.  By using positioning services or functions or applications that rely on mobile positioning information, you agree and allow the company to collect, process, use, and store information about your account, as well as the device you use to install and use this APP, to provide such mobile location services or features for your use.  If you use or provide location data in this service, you must comply with and review the terms of the third party ’s privacy policy regarding the use of location data by that third party.  The location information provided by this service is for reference only.  The company and its partners do not guarantee the   
availability, accuracy, completeness, reliability or validity of the location information or any other information displayed on the service.

V. Intellectual property rights
1. Any information provided in this APP, including but not limited to the service information content, program code, text, art works, icons, images and trademarks, are owned by the company or other third parties with rights and are subject to law protection.  Without the prior written permission of the company, you may not reproduce, copy, sell, trade, resell the content of this APP or any part of it for any purpose or for any commercial purpose in any way. Use and must not remove or alter any copyright rights electronic management information, anti-piracy measures or other rights (including but not limited to patent and trademark rights) or software marks contained in this APP and / or the service, content . You also must not use any automatic tools or methods (including but not limited to quiz programs, malware, crawlers, etc.) to collect or destroy the APP's messages, data, and interfere with or violate the normal operation of the APP.
2. You can use the content and information provided by this APP for non-commercial, household and personal use, but you must maintain all rights intact.
3. The company only authorizes you to use this APP, not transfer the services, content, text files and any encoded intellectual property rights provided by this APP and this APP to you.  For the avoidance of doubt, all rights that the company does not explicitly grant to you in these terms are reserved by the company.
4. Without the permission of the company, you may not claim that the company and / or "Omago" is your partner, or use public or unpublished information or codes, text, artwork, icons, images of this APP And trademarks for any business conduct.

VI. Linked websites and third-party requirements
Any other websites linked from this service or the services provided by third parties you use in this service may have their own different statements or rules or strategies for their use, so please be sure to read carefully before you confirm whether to browse Or use it.  The company hereby declares that the company does not provide any express or implied warranty for the above websites or services, including but limited to its accuracy, validity, applicability or non-infringing facts.  The company is not responsible for the statements, rules of use, strategies or other content disclosed on other websites or third parties.

VII. Information security measurement
1. The company will regularly update the system and maintain the member information collected by this APP to prevent third parties from illegally invading, obtaining, tampering with, or damaging transaction records or their personal data.
2. In the event of leakage of member's personal data, the company may freeze the use of member accounts depending on the specific circumstances.

VIII. Disclaimer
1. In the process of preparing and collecting the information provided by this APP, the company has taken the utmost prudent attitude to the best of its ability, but still reminds you that the company will not be caused by errors in the service, any information, delays or omissions, or due to You are legally responsible for the damage caused by the information you trust in this APP.
2. In any case, the company will not be liable for the following losses: including losses caused by the use or inability to use the APP, or other direct, indirect, accidental, special or derivative losses (including but not limited to purely financial damage, business interruption, loss of business information, and any other monetary loss).  If it is determined by the court's final judgment that the company shall bear the liability for compensation, the company shall pay all the liabilities to you, based on the service fee you paid to the company for this service or NT $ 10 (the lower amount) whichever is the upper limit.

IX. Right to modify membership terms
Due to changes in the social environment and laws and technological progress, this APP has the right to modify the terms and conditions as soon as possible in accordance with the laws, the environment, the company's business needs and other factors in order to protect the privacy of members, and not to notify members individually.  All rights and obligations arising from your use of this APP are based on the contents of the Member Terms that were last revised at that time. If you continue to use the APP after the announcement of amendments to these terms, you are deemed to agree to the revised terms.

X. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The interpretation and application of this clause, as well as disputes related to this clause, are governed by the laws of the Republic of China, and the Taipei District  
Court is the court of first instance.

XI. Business operator information
The owner of this APP is Microtips Technology Incorporation.  Contact: odm@microtips.com.tw

XII. Modification of Terms
The company reserves the right to add, delete and modify these terms at any time.  Any added or deleted content shall take the announcement time of the company as the immediate effective date.  If you continue to use this APP, it is deemed that you agree to all the changes to these terms.  This clause was last updated on: Jan 1, 2020.
Copyright © 2020. All rights reserved. Microtips Technology Inc.